
Untapped Grilling and Other Addictions

Happy Birthday

It’s my Birthday Today!!

And Here’s MY Cake!!

I am an Old Fart this year (as if I wasn’t an Old Fart last year?)

I am very thankful to be alive for this long. How about you? I have done a lot of good things in my life and surely done alot of bad things. But they seems to have all come out in the wash. I over heard a woman tell her girlfriend the other day that “He ain’t exactly ugly, but he does look better from a distance!” Then the man at the hardware store mumbles under his breath after I checked out, ” If someone put that guys brain in a hummingbird, it would start flying backwards”.

Now come on! I ain’t that old and stupid am I. But I have to tell you, Today, if I felt any better, I’d be two people! Check out my Birthday presents I got from friends and family. Now how many of you have a camo covered toilet seat?  You can’t get any better than this. So thoughtful. If you go poop on the seat, nobody can see it. And that mailbox…………bills just flat out look better coming out of this wide-mouth bass’s mouth.

A New Mailbox

Camo Toilet Seat

But that ain’t all!

My New Board Game

And my favorite Birthday gift given to my by my next door neighbor Earl….

Beautiful, Isn’t it?

I checked my Redneck Horoscope today. For those of you who didn’t know one existed, it does.

 July 24-August 23 Catfish

Catfish are traditionalist in matters of the heart, with one exception: Whiskers may cause problems for loved ones.You catfish are never easy people to understand.You prefer the muddy bottoms to the clear surfaces of life. Above all else, Catfish should stay away form Moon Pies.

March 21-April 20 MoonPie

You’re the type that spends alot of time on the front porch. It’s a cinch to recognize the physical appearance of Moon Pies. “Big” and “Round” are the key words here. You should marry anybody who you can remotely get interested in the idea. It’s not going to be easy. This might be the year to think about aerobics. Hmm? Maybe not.

I have had such a wonderful Birthday I though I would leave y’all with a little bit of Barbeyaki wisdom.

Don’t feed cherries to a pig or advice to fools!

May God Bless All of Y’all

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